Tags Matt Williams

Tag: Matt Williams

Orthodox Survey

Everything You Wanted to Know About Surveying the Orthodox Community—And Why...

In response to Matt William's critique, Nishma's Mark Trencher defends his method and points to the challenges of surveying Modern Orthodox Jews.
Orthodox Survey

Drawing The right Conclusions: A Defense of a Recent Orthodox...

Zvi Grumet responds to Matt Williams, defending his data and the social media tools used to obtain it.

Do We Really Know What We Think We Know? The Current...

Matthew Williams breaks down the trustworthiness of two recent much-discussed surveys of American Orthodox Jews.

The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew? A Reply to Zev Eleff

Matt Williams wants to know what exactly a "non-observant Orthodox Jew" is before deciding whether or not it's vanishing.

Not Your Parents’ “Nonobservance:” A Rejoinder

Zev Eleff offers a rejoinder to his critics regarding the Non-Observant Orthodox Jew.