Tags Beit midrash

Tag: beit midrash

The Culture of Learning in Women’s Torah Study

  Yael Jaffe As you walk into the room, you hear voices arguing back and forth. You can’t make out the sound of any particular conversation...

The First Yeshiva Exile

Reading R. Eliezer b. Hyrcanus and Shammai through an autistic lens, Liz Shayne explores how uncompromising, righteous anger can find a place in the beit midrash.

Animating the Dialogue – A Review of Yeshiva Days: Learning on...

Sima Fried reviews Jonathan Boyarin’s Yeshiva Days, illuminating the challenges of examining a community as both an insider and an outsider.

Torat Hashem Heftzo: Finding Wonder in Torah Study

Rabbi Kenneth Brander, head of Ohr Torah Stone, explores what the daily blessing on Talmud Torah can teach us about how to foster religious continuity.

In Our Own Backyard: A Response to David Stein’s Proposal for...

Herschel Grossman responds to David Stein on Modern Orthodox education.

Hokhmat Nashim

Ayelet Wenger on women and Torah and Talmud and some things (that get) in between.