Tags Avraham

Tag: Avraham

Thoughts on Aliyah and the Akeidah from Israel at war

Alan Jotkowitz looks at the current situation in Israel through the lens of modern interpretations of the Akeidah.

Avraham and Sodom: To Pray Against God

Avraham’s challenge to God’s planned destruction of Sodom raises the fundamental ethical problem of collective punishment. The resolution of this challenge, Sruli Fruchter explains, enables Avraham to realize God’s highest ideals and to confront the conflict between compassion for oppressors and consideration for their victims.

Of Split Wood and Waters

Nachum Krasnopolsky explains Rashbam's interpretation of the splitting of the sea as an educational experience.

Letter to the Editor: Response to Ben Greenfield on the Forefathers’...

In his letter to the editor, Gershon Klapper draws upon three medieval sources that undermine Ben Greenfield's recent reading of the Zohar on the three attributes of the Avot.

Hesed, Gevurah, and Emet: Do These Attributes Actually Describe our Forefathers?

Ben Greenfield explains that the attributes commonly associated with our forefathers are not attributes at which they excelled, but rather attributes with which they struggled.

God Is Other People

In a chapter adapted from his new book, Be, Become, Bless: Jewish Spirituality between East and West, Yaakov Nagen suggests based on the Zohar that the world endures when we see Godliness in another person's face.

Avraham’s Test of Loyalty

Mark Glass puts the Akeidah in conversation with the surrounding narratives of the book of Genesis.