Tags American Judaism
Tag: American Judaism
Shabbat on the Lower East Side Through the Prism of an...
Oran Zweiter
The first collection of she’elot u-teshuvot (rabbinic responsa to communal queries) printed in the United States, Ohel Yosef by Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Fried...
Tablets Shattered (And Restored?): Jewish Identity Here and Now
Joshua Leifer’s new book illustrates the collapse of several paradigms that long sustained American Jewish life. In his review, Steven Gotlib notes that Leifer’s search for a viable, non-separatist, traditional Judaism overlooks several existing models of Jewish life and practice.
The Challenges of the Gaza War and Growing Antisemitism
Yosef Blau, Senior Mashgiah Ruhani at Yeshiva University, wonders about the direction of Religious Zionism after October 7 and considers the role of Modern Orthodoxy outside of Israel.
Mitzvah Merchants and their Made-in-America Toys
Zev Eleff examines some of the toys peddled around by mitzvah merchants and other fascinating features of Ultra-Orthodox culture.
Big-Tent Orthodoxy and the Return of the NOOJ
Elli Fischer argues that news of the non-observant Orthodox Jews' demise has been premature.
Not Your Parents’ “Nonobservance:” A Rejoinder
Zev Eleff offers a rejoinder to his critics regarding the Non-Observant Orthodox Jew.