Submissions Short Story Winners 2024

Short Story Winners 2024


Announcing the Winners of the Lehrhaus 2024 Short Story Contest

We are happy to announce the winners of the Lehrhaus 2024 Short Story Contest! The winning stories embody the core mission of Lehrhaus, thoughtfully exploring Jewish ideas that will hopefully inspire dynamic discourse among our readers. We were impressed by the depth and diversity of the many stories submitted to this year’s contest, and as editors, we recognize the creativity and hard work poured into every piece. 
This year’s first-place winner is Lost and Found by Devorah Talia Gordon. The theme of this story deals with the loss of a loved one and the resolve of a young woman to reclaim her inheritance.
Our second-place winner is Healer of Midian by Joe Helmreich. This story transports readers to the harsh deserts of the ancient world where two important men meet.
Honorable Mentions include:
“Soul Man” by Marla Braverman
A Good Deed by Yitzchak Francus
“Opening” by Rebecca Guzman
“L’dor v’dor” by Julia Grunes
“The Jewish Governess” by Lior Zoe Perets
“The Length of Our Days” by Avigayil Rosensweig Finkelstein
“Cotopaxi” by Arnon Shorr
“Trained” by Yael Unterman
We look forward to publishing a selection of the Honorable Mention short stories in the coming weeks. For now, we invite you to read our first- and second-place short stories. Mazal tov to our winners!