Letters to the Editor: Raphael Jospe and Zach Truboff
Raphael Jospe and Zach Truboff write regarding recent articles that have driven conversation.
Man vs. Prophecy? A New Look at the Classic Discussion of Predetermination in the...
The Mei Ha-Shiloah’s statements on predetermination pose a theological challenge to foundational Jewish doctrines. In an analysis weaving together several Torah narratives and Izhbitzer commentaries, Reuven Boshnack proposes an empowering interpretation of the Mei Ha-Shiloah.
From Burning Candles to ‘Burning’ People
In honor of Hanukkah, Admiel Kosman considers literary and aggadic traditions that depict holy people as burning flames or sources of light. He proposes that these traditions be read in light of Martin Buber’s insight regarding the dialogical personality.
Modern Orthodox Theology in a Post-Soloveitchik World
David Fried reviews a recent book that considers the divergence of Rabbis Yitz Greenberg, David Hartman, and Jonathan Sacks from the teachings of R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
Autonomy Comes Apart, the Mesorah Cannot Hold:Rav Soloveitchik’s Afterlife in the 21st Century
Levi Morrow reviews four new books that examine and apply the thought of R. Joseph B. Solovetichik of blessed memory.
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Letters to the Editor: Responses to Zach Truboff on Religious Zionism and Yosef Lindell...
Yitzchak Blau and Michael Broyde respond to recent articles that have driven conversation.
Can Religious Zionism Do Teshuvah?
Zach Truboff
In 1933, as the month of Elul approached, the Jewish people faced a frightening array of dangers. That year, Hitler consolidated power as...
Teshuvah: A Radical, Refreshing, and Renewing Approach
Yiscah Smith explores the conceptions of teshuvah presented in the writings of the Piaseczner Rebbe and the Ba’al Ha-Tanya, identifying in them a novel approach to personal growth that speaks to contemporary Jews.
Aspects of My Father’s Philosophy of Jewish History
This essay by Aaron Zeitlin—originally published in Yiddish in 1967 and translated here into English by Daniel Kraft—explores Aaron’s father Hillel Zeitlin’s approach to anti-semitism by way of the Book of Jonah.
An Ishbitz-Radzyn Reading of the Judah Narrative: Binah Ba-lev – An Understanding Heart
In a follow up to her recent piece about Joseph, Batya Hefter traces Judah's character development through the eyes of the Ishbitz-Radzyn masters.