The Staggering Brilliance of Rambam’s Fourth Chapter of The Laws of Repentance
Alan Jotkowitz shares insights into Rambam’s Hilkhot Teshuvah
One Day, One Chapter; Four Recitations and Four Themes in Psalm 24
Yaakov Jaffe explores four themes of Psalm 24 as recited on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.
Restoring the (Recitation of) Korbanot
Pressed for time, people often skip reciting the korbanot section of the morning prayers. With the High Holidays approaching, Judah Kerbel makes the case that the korbanot are far more central and halakhically significant to our prayers than we often realize.
Before, After, and During: Yehuda Amichai’s “Beterem”
In this timely article, Wendy Zierler examines how Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai's "Beterem" can provide readers with the inspiration they need leading up to the Days of Awe
In Plain Sight: Jewish Masquerade from Clueless to the Rabbis
Why have stories of Jewish masquerade captured audiences since ancient times? In her latest, Malka Z. Simkovich explores the hidden meaning behind dressing up, from the Second Temple to '90s cinema.
Modest, Ethical, Scholarly, or Inventive Perspectives on Ruth, a Biblical Heroine
Yaakov Jaffe examines different views on which of Ruth's attributes first sparked Boaz's attention, and explores what that means about how we define a Jewish hero.
Mi-Simhah Le-Yagon, Mi-Yom Tov Le-Eivel: The Changing Meaning of Sefirat Ha-Omer
Leead Staller explores the connection between Sefira practices and Hol Ha-moed.
Passover’s Rupture and Reconstruction
Yosef Lindell argues that the Haggadah focuses on the story of the Exodus rather than on the laws of the paschal sacrifice as a way of looking forward towards the future redemption.
When the Sea Parted
As we approach Pesach, Bruce Black's latest poem vividly retells the splitting of the sea.
Rabbi Yohanan Reads the Book of Job
In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Dan Ornstein creatively imagines the story of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Yohanan through his teachings on the Book of Job. The short story is followed by a reflection on the methodology and power of "contemporary midrash."