Queen Aster and Queen Esther

Ariel Clark Silver describes how Queen Esther’s story inspired women’s rights activist Louisa May Alcott’s short fable of an Aster who wisely ruled the kingdom of the flowers.

Why You Need to Read Daniel Deronda

Shalva Muschel offers some perspective on George Elliot's leading Jews and the newest attempt to gain a fuller appreciation of Daniel Deronda.

Rak Shnenu

Unhappy Families: Elhanan Nir’s Rak Shnenu

The Agnon scholar, Jeffrey Saks, sees some Agnonian work in modern Israeli literature.

Rav Kook’s Space Odyssey

Bezalel Naor offers a stirring, other-worldly rendition of Rav Kook's poem "The Conversation of the Angels"

We Are All Ozickians Now

Ari Hoffman on the most important living Jewish writer.

Wherefore Art Thou, Moses?

What does Shakespeare have to say about the Exodus, Moses, and the power of storytelling? Shaina Trapedo explores how the Bard's work can speak to us during this unprecedented Pesach season.
Nicole Krauss

A Return to Jewish Roots in Nicole Krauss’ Forest Dark

The question of whether or not your writing is Jewish is not up to you, because writing ultimately belongs to the reader. Krauss’ avatar answers Ozick perfectly: “Jewish literature would have to wait, as all Jewish things wait for a perfection that in our hearts we don’t really want to come.” In the end, perhaps all we can do is kvetch and vacillate between different answers to the question of what is Jewish literature—because, of course, the answer was never the point.

Bernard Malamud’s “The German Refugee”: A Parable for Tishah Be-Av

Eileen Watts explores how Bernard Malamud's "The German Refugee" amplifies the themes of Tisha B'Av.

Chabon, Safran Foer, and the Great Jewish American Novel

Ari Hoffman explores the expansive visions of Jewish peoplehood embedded in two major, recently published novels

To Rebeccah

Aryeh Klapper recreating a patriarchal voice.