Authors Posts by Tamar Weissman and Batnadiv HaKarmi

Tamar Weissman and Batnadiv HaKarmi

Tamar Weissman and Batnadiv HaKarmi
Batnadiv HaKarmi is a Jerusalem-based writer, visual artist and educator, and is the author of The Love of Mortal Beings (Kelsay, 2023), and the ongoing Bibliodraw project, which explores the Tanakh a chapter at a time through art and poetry. Tamar Weissman lectures on Tanach and Eretz Israel studies, and is the author of Tribal Lands: The Twelve Tribes of Israel in their Ancestral Territories and recently The Bible’s Wild Child, a study of midrashic patterns in the Book of Judges. They are currently collaborating on a book on the traditional midrashic readings of Esther.

The Destruction of Babylonia, Detailed:  R. Yonatan’s Petihta to Megillat Esther

Tamar Weissman and Batnadiv HaKarmi explore R. Yonatan's introduction to Megillat Esther, per Masekhet Megillah in the Talmud, and its relationship to biblical history.