Yocheved Friedman
In memory of Rav Yosef Dov Ha-Levi Soloveitchik, ZT”L
A shooting star, you streaked across our skies,
And lit a path for those who’d lost their way.
With your poetic voice and burning eyes,
You blazed a trail that still leads us today.
Your tongue charmed thousands, who sat there, enthralled.
You wove for us a brilliant tapestry.
Be it in Boston, or in Lamport Hall,
We learned humility and majesty.
In Talmud class we trembled at your word,
Afraid to offer a “farkrumte svara.”
The voices of the past were clearly heard:
Maimonides through “numen fun mein Zeyde.”
You taught us to live life heroically:
Halakhic man’s eternal destiny.