Tags Tzimtzum
Tag: tzimtzum
Bati Le-Gani and the Triumph of Humanity
In honor of Yud Shevat, The Lehrhaus presents an excerpt from Eli Rubin’s forthcoming book Kabbalah and the Rupture of Modernity: An Existential History of Chabad Hasidism. Rubin explores the theological meaning of an influential series of discourses by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn.
Is Modern Orthodoxy Ready to Accept Rabbi Yitz Greenberg?
Steven Gotlib reviews the magnum opus of legendary Jewish thinker Yitz Greenberg, considering ways in which Greenberg’s newest synthesis of his ideas bring him back into conversation with the Modern Orthodox community.
Two poems on God and the World
In this mini-collection of poems, November reflects on the presence of God in the universe.