Tags Rav Shagar
Tag: Rav Shagar
Can You See the Light and the Darkness?
Zach Truboff draws upon the thought of Rav Kook and Rav Shagar to explore the themes of light and darkness and their application to Hanukkah.
Thoughts on Aliyah and the Akeidah from Israel at war
Alan Jotkowitz looks at the current situation in Israel through the lens of modern interpretations of the Akeidah.
Renew Our Days as Days of Old
On Yom Ha'atzmaut, Zach Truboff reflects on Rav Shagar's insistence that the Israeli present must be rooted in the past, and explores the redemptive power of Torah as an answer for modernity.
The Utilitarian Case for Torah u-Madda
Tzvi Sinensky reimagines the utilitarian case for Torah u-Madda. Far from seeing the study of Madda as a concession to the need to earn a livelihood, the new utilitarianism uses cutting-edge scholarship to solve some of the most pressing problems in our schools and communities.
“This Is Prayer”: Hitbodedut In Rav Shagar’s and Rav Elhanan Nir’s...
Jeremy Tibbetts explores Hitbodedut in the thought of Rav Shagar and Rav Elchanan Nir, two contemporary Israeli thinkers.
The New Jewish Philosophy of Rav Shagar
Continuing the conversation, Dr. Miriam Feldmann-Kaye introduces postmodernism and responds to some critics of Rav Shagar.
The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar
Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.
God, Torah, Self: Accepting the Yoke of Heaven in the Writings...
Rav Shagar's postmodern insights on accepting the yoke of Heaven, for your pre-Shavuos reading pleasure!