Tags Rabbis

Tag: rabbis

The Rome not Taken: Pompey, Pigs, and the Implosion of Hasmonean...

Aton Holzer explores the changing nature of Jewish interactions with Rome from Maccabees through the Rabbinic period.

On Gizzards and the Making of Rabbis

Ezra Schwartz uses artificial intelligence and a famous story about gizzards as a prism to discuss the role of the rabbi in the modern age.

Bringing Back Torah u-Madda

Yaakov Bieler details several reasons why Torah u-Madda remains important to our role as Torah Jews and some practical ways we can implement this approach.

Taking Responsibility For Halakhic Guidance: A Response to Ezra Schwartz

In this response to last week’s article by Ezra Schwartz, Nathaniel Helfgot wonders whether the new pandemic-fueled trend toward centralized halakhic decision-making overburdens the most learned rabbis and takes too much autonomy from the others.

Dancing with the Text: The Rabbinic Use of Midrashic Allegory

Malka Simkovich explores how Chazal approached our sacred texts in their midrashic allegories and how this issue continues to effect our approach to the torah today.