Tags Midrash

Tag: Midrash

The Life and Death of Moses’ Staff

Yosef Lindell tracks the Staff of Moses throughout its amazing "life".

Jacob’s Silence and the Rape of Dinah

Ari Silbermann examines one of the most traumatic events in the Torah.

Shades of White: A Fresh Look at Lavan’s Relationship With Yaakov

Yitzchak Etshalom comments on the relationship between Lavan and Yaakov.

Rosh HaShanah And God’s Battle for Compassion

Akiva Mattenson writes on the relationship between God and Judgement.

A Purim Teaching for our Time: Malbim’s Proto-Feminist Commentary on Esther

Purim - Armed with feminist and political theory, Don Seeman probes the depths of Malbim's Esther commentary.