Tags Gotlib

Tag: Gotlib

Letters to the Editor: Raphael Jospe and Zach Truboff

Raphael Jospe and Zach Truboff write regarding recent articles that have driven conversation.

Letters to the Editor: More on Shadal and Modern Orthodox Outreach

The back-and-forth about Shadal and Modern Orthodox kiruv continues. Here are letters to the editor by Daniel Klein and Simon Levy.

Letters to the Editor: Shadal, Hazarat Ha-Shatz, and Modern Orthodox Outreach

Today, we share letters to the editor by Ephraim Chamiel, Steven Gotlib, and Moshe Kurtz.

Is Modern Orthodox Kiruv Possible?

Steven Gotlib explores Modern Orthodoxy’s strengths and weaknesses with regard to Kiruv.

What Can We Learn From Louis Jacobs?

Louis Jacobs, the controversial British rabbi and theologian, died 15 years ago. Steven Gotlib reviews Harry Freedman’s new book on Jacobs’ life, and considers how what happened to Jacobs should inform the way we draw the boundaries of Orthodoxy today.

Is Remix Judaism for Everyone?

Steven Gotlib reviews Roberta Rosenthal Kwall’s book Remix Judaism, which has an important message about navigating Jewish practice in the modern world for non-Orthodox and Orthodox Jews alike.