
To Rebeccah

Aryeh Klapper

Beauty as barrier.

Often the flash of a blade

sharper than its edge.


Imagined death kills.

Wife and son lost together

To the flashing blade.



Angelic voices

crying against Eden. Stop!

Touch not, wound never.


The tears of angels

blind. To see past sympathy

is more than human.


Together—no more.

The living and the dead live

too different lives.


Body and Spirit.

Pleasure delayed forever

is the purest pain.


With you as my wife

I think I yet reach Eden

and restore my life.


Aryeh Klapper
Aryeh Klapper is Dean of the Center for Modern Torah Leadership, which develops present and future Modern Orthodox leaders through unique programs of intense Talmud Torah that catalyze intellectual creativity and educational innovation. CMTL brings rigorous traditional scholarship, interdisciplinary openness, and a deeply humanist understanding of halakhah to every aspect of Jewish and public life.