The Destruction of Babylonia, Detailed:  R. Yonatan’s Petihta to Megillat Esther

Tamar Weissman and Batnadiv HaKarmi explore R. Yonatan's introduction to Megillat Esther, per Masekhet Megillah in the Talmud, and its relationship to biblical history.

When Should Mishloah Manot be given in Jerusalem when Shushan Purim is Shabbat? 

Yaakov Jaffe examines the different opinions about when mishloah manot should be given in Jerusalem when Shushan Purim is on Shabbat.

Leadership Through Retreat: A New Perspective on the Book of Esther

The biblical figure of Esther is often interpreted by traditional and modern commentators as a heroine of active leadership. Naama Sadan offers a novel perspective, according to which Esther confronts national crisis in female-coded ways, triumphing and saving her people through internally-focused activism.


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The Destruction of Babylonia, Detailed:  R. Yonatan’s Petihta to Megillat Esther

Tamar Weissman and Batnadiv HaKarmi explore R. Yonatan's introduction to Megillat Esther, per Masekhet Megillah in the Talmud, and its relationship to biblical history.


Leadership Through Retreat: A New Perspective on the Book of Esther

The biblical figure of Esther is often interpreted by traditional and modern commentators as a heroine of active leadership. Naama Sadan offers a novel perspective, according to which Esther confronts national crisis in female-coded ways, triumphing and saving her people through internally-focused activism.

You Asked, Rabbi Ulman Answered

Written in dense rabbinic Hebrew, MiLishkat HaDarom, the responsa of Australian Rabbi Yehoram Ulman, has not yet received the attention it deserves for it nuanced presentation of family case law.


Woman of Valor: Two Poems

In these two poems, Maya Bernstein reexamines the ancient praises of the Jewish woman.