The Quest for an Objective Halakhic Standard by which to Judge Artistic Expression: A...

Does halakhah have something to say about the subjectivity of aesthetic experience? Yosie Levine investigates the case of fashioning a replica Temple Menorah as adjudicated in the eighteenth century and what it can tell us about halachic thinking about art and aesthetics.

The Myth of the Judaic Puritans

Did the English Puritans of New England emulate Jewish prayers and practices? Yisroel Benporat investigates the common claim and its complexities--as well as what the myth itself tells us about Jews in America.

Letters to the Editor: Responses to Zach Truboff on Religious Zionism and Yosef Lindell...

Yitzchak Blau and Michael Broyde respond to recent articles that have driven conversation.

Every Day is New Under the Sun

A dialogue between a modern cycle of poems by Lea Goldberg and the ancient Kohelet reveals the importance of gratitude and engagement as opposed to skepticism and withdrawal.

Can Religious Zionism Do Teshuvah?

  Zach Truboff In 1933, as the month of Elul approached, the Jewish people faced a frightening array of dangers. That year, Hitler consolidated power as...

What is Ne’ilah?

The Ne’ilah prayer, which we recite only once a year, clearly represents a moment of great religious drama, but its precise nature and purpose are somewhat mysterious. Alan Jotkowitz presents four different models for understanding Ne’ilah, drawing upon the teachings of Rav Yehuda Amital, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, and Rav Ya’akov Medan.

On Yom Kippur, determinism and national unity

Aton Holzer explores the role of free will and its limits in the Yom Kippur liturgy.

Why Can’t Selihot Be More Like Kinot?

Yosef Lindell argues that the explanatory Kinot model, where fewer prayers are said but they are delved into in more depth, should be adopted for reciting Selihot.

סליחות תשפ״ד

In an original Hebrew poem for Tishrei 5785, Shoshanah Haberman addresses God directly about the pain and uncertainty of our moment.

Until It Is Enough: Conversations about Shiurim for Yom Kippur 

Sarah Osborne offers guidance for people who need to eat on Yom Kippur.