Authors Posts by Dan Margulies

Dan Margulies

Dan Margulies
Dan Margulies is on the Judaics faculty at the Berman Hebrew Academy in Rockville, MD. He received semikha from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and from his teacher Rabbi Simcha Krauss, and also studied in the kollel at YU-RIETS. He previously served as the Rabbi of The Riverdale Minyan, as Assistant Rabbi at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and on the Talmud faculty of the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education. He studied chemical physics and mathematics at Columbia University.

“They should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is an angel of the...

In commemoration of the shloshim of Rabbi Simcha Krauss z"l, Dan Margulies offers a moving reflection of his teacher.

The Hazon Ish Wasn’t Writing About Using Computers

Dan Margulies explains the Hazon Ish's discussion about the problem of using electricity on Shabbat, with implications for Zoom Sedarim.

Where in my Apartment Should I Light my Hanukkah Lamps?

Dan Margulies explores various opinions on where to light a Hanukah Lamp in dorms and apartments.

Can I Use Zip-Ties To Hold Down My Sekhakh?

Dan Margulies offers a rundown of the sukkah zip-tie construction, the next great halakhic frontier