Authors Posts by Avi Strausberg

Avi Strausberg

Avi Strausberg
Avi Strausberg is the Director of National Learning Initiatives at Hadar and is based in Washington, D.C. She received her rabbinic ordination from Hebrew College in Boston and is a Wexner Graduate Fellow. Energized by engaging creatively with Jewish text, she maintains a Daf Yomi haiku blog in which she writes daily Talmudic haikus as well as a poetry blog Faith in the Fire inspired by the drashot of the Eish Kodesh.

Cities of Crumbling Walls: What The Talmud Can Teach Us About Living Through A...

What can the Talmud teach us about living through a pandemic? Avi Strausberg argues that it teaches us quite a bit about strengthening acts of kindness and solidarity in our communities.